Although we are aware that first impressions are primarily based on superficial aspects, they inevitably serve as a filter for all the information we will receive in the future.
Pay attention to these tips:
- Posture
Body language can reveal many details about our personality and emotional state. Standing tall with your back straight and placing your hand on the side you prefer shows confidence and determination.
- Body
Pay attention to hand movements. Biting nails, playing with hair, or lowering your head reveals a lot about how we interact with our conversation partners.
- Smile
When meeting someone for the first time, we don’t necessarily need to show our teeth, even a small smile can be enough.
- Eyes
Focusing on the person in front of us while speaking shows appreciation.
- Clothing
To make a good impression, it is important to wear clean clothes.
- Handshake
A handshake should not be too firm, not too soft, and brief. The general rule is to respond with the same strength as the other person.
- Punctuality
Punctuality is crucial to making a good impression.